{1/4 scale} The perfect miniature to hang in your office or shop! These 6”x6” wall hangings capture the feel of an old world street scene. There are two separate wall hanging for the class. One is set in the frame and ready for students to learn painting techniques like dry brushing, weathering, and how to create and use wet washes with acrylic paints and inks. The other wall hanging is designed for students to create their own stonework patterns into a foam core wall, setting the scene in the background. We will be using an industrial foam cutter to create faux wooden beams, and other pieces of faux stonework. Students will then choose from a variety of doors, windows, and a staircase, to create a custom street scene. Students will also learn how to add spaclke to create the illusion of stucco, and how to create authentic looking mortar lines between stonework and brickwork. All paints and materials provided by instructors. (Imagination not included.) All skill levels welcome. This is a fun class and would make a great gift!
{1/4 scale} lighthouse on a rocky outcropping surrounded by ocean waves. A lighthouse with a dubious reputation! Sometimes the light would mysteriously go out when a ship loaded with gold was caught in a storm, only the light keeper knows why. Students will learn how to create ocean waves with sparkle, how to create faux rock outcroppings with industrial ceiling times and pine park, how to use a foam cutter, how to create foam shingles, stamping stonework into foam core, lots of painting techniques, and basic landscaping. This is a great class to take. All paints and materials provided by instructors. All skill levels welcome.
{1/4 scale} lighthouse on a rocky outcropping surrounded by ocean waves. A lighthouse with a dubious reputation! Sometimes the light would mysteriously go out when a ship loaded with gold was caught in a storm, only the light keeper knows why. Students will learn how to create ocean waves with sparkle, how to create faux rock outcroppings with industrial ceiling times and pine park, how to use a foam cutter, how to create foam shingles, stamping stonework into foam core, lots of painting techniques, and basic landscaping. This is a great class to take. All paints and materials provided by instructors. All skill levels welcome.